Azaadi, Freedom and Change in Kashmir

Kashmir has been in geopolitical limbo since the partition of the British Raj in 1947. A region of stunning natural beauty and diverse ethnicities and cultures, its people continue to experience violence, state oppression, and terrorism.

This book provides an introduction to Kashmir and its people and showcases the realities of everyday lives from personal accounts. It explores the reasons for the tensions within Kashmir itself, as well as the wider implications of those tensions.

The international relations between India, Pakistan and China, are crucial to understanding the conflict in Kashmir, as are the relationships between those nations and the wider world. The changing nature of global politics continues to affect Kashmir, while its people suffer.

This book highlights the many reasons why peace in the region needs to be a priority for global leaders, and the serious implications for world peace if that does not happen. In taking inspiration from the practices of transitional justice in Timor-Leste (formerly known as East Timor) and South Africa, this book presents ways in which this culturally rich and ethnically diverse region might again find a way to peace and azaadi.